Spring School: From Particle Dynamics to Gradient Flows, TU Kaiserslautern

Dear Colleagues,
we would like you to pay  attention to the spring school
“From Particle Dynamics to Gradient Flows”
taking place from February 27 to March 3, 2017 at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.
Particle Dynamics and their scaling limits are a subject of intensive research.
The spring school aims to PhD students and young post-docs from the fields of probability and partial differential equations. The goal is to learn and combine methods from both areas.
During the spring school there will be the following short courses
  • José A. Carillo (Imperial College London) „Minimizing Interaction Energies: Nonlocal Potentials and Nonlinear Diffusions”
  • Max von Renesse (Universität Leipzig) „Dirichlet Forms and Particle Systems in Optimal Transport“
  • Michiel Renger (Weierstrass Institute, Berlin) „Large Deviations and Gradient Flows“
  • Marie-Therese Wolfram (University of Warwick) „Mean-Field Models in Socio-Economic Applications”
Please advertise this school to anyone you think might benefit from participating. Participants will be given the opportunity to present a poster.
For registration and further information please visit the webpage
The spring school is free of charge!