Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) exist to promote collaborative research on specific topics in Mathematics for Industry within Europe. A particular aim is to enable researchers (from both academia and industry) with similar interests to get together and submit proposals for funding to the European Union or to other funding bodies. ECMI can act as a catalyst in the formation of such a group by offering advice about the expertise available within Europe, by posting information on the web pages and by circulating information about events to all members. ECMI also offers a small amount of support (currently 2000 euros) towards setting up a new SIG.

Current SIGs

Current SIGs are investigating topics in:

To find out more, please click on the links provided.

How set up a SIG

To apply to set up a SIG:

  • Describe the area of interest, the motivation and aims. There should be a clear interest in the activity from industry. If possible describe how the activity may lead to proposals for cooperative funding.
  • Identify a group of experts for an initial start-up group. These experts should come from more than one country in Europe and should include representative(s) from industry.
  • Describe potential activities for the first year. These might include workshops, industry days, minisymposia etc.
  • Nominate a contact person (moderator) who will be responsible for the programme of events and for reporting activities. The RIC requires an annual report which will be posted on the webpages.

Please download our flyer and share it with your colleagues.


You may find here relevant information about EU funding opportunities for mathematicians.


Applications should be sent to the Chairman of the Research and Innovation Committee W.H.A. Schilders (char_ri@ecmi-indmath.org). The RIC will decide whether to create a new ECMI SIG.

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